
Insert and manage hyperlinks.


  • Support for hyperlink insertion, edition and removal.


pnpm add @udecode/plate-link


import { LinkPlugin } from '@udecode/plate-link/react';
const plugins = [
  // ...otherPlugins,
    render: { afterEditable: () => <LinkFloatingToolbar /> },

Keyboard Shortcuts

Cmd + KAdd a link on the selected text.

Plugin Transforms

Inserts a link node into the editor.

Collapse all

    Options for inserting the link.

Collapse all

    Options for creating the link node.

    Additional options for inserting nodes.

Plugin API


Hides the floating link and resets its state.


Resets the floating link state without changing the openEditorId.

Shows the floating link for the specified mode and editor ID.


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    The mode to set for the floating link ('edit' or 'insert').

    The ID of the editor where the floating link should be shown.

Gets the attributes for a link element.


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    The link element for which to get attributes.


    The HTML attributes for the link element.

Inserts a link if the URL is valid, closes the floating link, and focuses the editor.


    Returns true if the link was inserted successfully.



Plugin for link formatting.


Collapse all

    Determines whether to force the submission of the link form.

    Allows custom configurations for rangeBeforeOptions.

    • Default:
      matchString: ' ',
      skipInvalid: true,
      afterMatch: true,

    Hotkeys to trigger floating link.

    • Default: 'meta+k, ctrl+k'

    List of allowed URL schemes.

    • Default: ['http', 'https', 'mailto', 'tel']

    Determines whether the sanitation of links should be skipped.

    • Default: false

    Default HTML attributes for link elements.

    • Default: {}

    Keeps selected text on pasting links by default.

    • Default: true

    Callback function to validate a URL.

    • Default: isUrl

    Callback function to optionally get the href for a URL. It returns an optional link that is different from the text content. For example, returns for

    Callback function to optionally transform the submitted URL provided by the user to the URL input before validation.

    On keyboard shortcut or toolbar mousedown, this function is called to get the link URL. The default behavior is to use the browser's native prompt.


Inserts a link node into the editor.

Collapse all

    Options for creating link node.

    Additional options for node insertion.

Inserts a link if the URL is valid, closes the floating link, and focuses the editor.

  • Insert link if url is valid.
  • Text is url if empty.
  • Close floating link.
  • Focus editor.

    Returns true if the link was inserted.

Triggers the floating link.

Collapse all

    Whether the floating link should be focused.


Triggers the floating link edit.


    Returns true if the link was edited.


Trigger floating link. Do not trigger when:

  • Selection is across blocks
  • Selection has more than one leaf node
  • Lowest selection is not text
  • Selection has a link node


Collapse all

    Whether the floating link should be focused.


    Returns true if the link was inserted.

Unwraps a link node.

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    If true, split the nodes if the selection is inside the link.

Insert or update a link node. The behavior depends on the current selection and options:

  • If selection is in a link or not a URL:
    • With insertTextInLink: true, inserts URL as text in link
    • Otherwise, if text is empty, sets it to URL
    • Validates URL unless skipValidation: true
  • If selection is expanded or update: true in a link:
    • Removes link node and gets link text
  • Then:
    • Inserts link node with updated URL and target
    • If text is provided, replaces link text
Collapse all

    Options for upserting the link.

Collapse all

    The URL of the link.

    The text content of the link.

    The target attribute of the link.

    If true, insert the URL as text in the link.

    The options for inserting nodes.

    If true, skips URL validation.

    • Default: false

    Returns true if the link was inserted or updated.


If the text is different from the link above text, replaces the link children with a new text node. The new text node has the same marks as the first text node in the link.


Collapse all

    The new text to replace the link children with.


Validates a URL based on the plugin options.


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    The URL to validate.


    Returns true if the URL is valid.

Wrap a link node with split.

Collapse all

    The URL of the link.

    The target attribute of the link.


Options for creating a new link node.


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    The URL of the link node that is being created.

    The text that is displayed for the link node. If not provided, the URL is used as the display text.

    Specifies where to open the URL:

    • _blank: new tab
    • _self: same frame
    • _parent: parent frame
    • _top: full window

    An array of text nodes that represent the link content.

API Components


The input component for controlling whether a link opens in a new tab.


Collapse all

    Whether the link should open in a new tab.

    Function to update the checked state.

    Reference to the input element.


The input component for entering and editing link URLs.


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    Reference to the input element.


The button component for opening the link URL.


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    The link element containing the URL to open.


The behavior hook for the floating link edit functionality.


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    The virtual floating returned object.


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    The ref callback for the floating element.

    Props for the floating element.

    Props for the edit button.

    Props for the unlink button.


Listens for the Enter key press event and submits the floating link in the editor.


Listens for the Escape key press event and handles the behavior of the floating link in the editor.


The behavior hook for inserting a link.


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    The virtual floating returned object.

    The ref of the floating element.


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    The ref callback for the floating element.

    Props for the floating element.

    Props for the text input.

The behavior hook for the link element.

Collapse all

    The link element.

Collapse all

    Props for the link element.


The behavior hook for the link toolbar button.


Collapse all

    Whether the selection is in a link.


Collapse all

    Props for the toolbar button.

Custom hook for managing virtual floating of a link.

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    The ID of the editor to which the link belongs.

    Options for virtual floating.

    The return value of the useVirtualFloating hook.